Name: Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App).apk
ID: com.ajdeguzman.debtnote
Version: 1.0
Size: 1.5 Mb
Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) Screenshots
How to install Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) Details
Note: Requires Android 4.0 and up for better UIHaving a problem tracking your debts? Not anymore. Never lose track of your debts with Debt Note.
Debt Note is a simple mobile application for managing debt transactions. This app will help you manage all of your debts and track what people owe you.
Debt Note Features:
✔ Neat and Friendly interface (uses Navigation Drawer)
✔ Supports a wide range of currencies
✔ Auto-suggest a name of your recent contacts
✔ Summary of debt per person
✔ Tracks partial payment on each debt
✔ Color coded partial payments
✔ Incoming and outgoing debts
✔ Adjustable debt due dates
✔ Contacts with rounded photo and contact information
✔ Due dates on each debt
✔ Notification reminders for overdue debts at notification drawer
✔ Back Up and Restore
✔ Archives for repaid debts
✔ Separate view for what you owe and what they owe you.
✔ Supports email and call on each contact
✔ Total Summary of what you owe and what they owe you.
✔ Pretty Dates
What's new in Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) 1.0
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How to install Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) 1.0 mod apk for laptop
How to use Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) mod apk
How to mod Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) 1.0 apk
How to get Debt Note - (Debt Tracker App) mod apk