Version: v4.10
Size: 33 Mb
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How to install Entire Iqro Digital 1-6 apk for android
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Entire Iqro Digital 1-6 Details
Entire Iqro Digital 1-6Entire Iqro Digital for intelligent learning to read al-Quran
Entire Digital Iqro from part 1 to part 6 peeling Abata hijaiyah as a layman way to learn to read the Koran. Nice to ummi who want to teach letters hijaiyah properly.
Abata hijaiyah is basic or initial readings from the Koran. then be developed in the reading tarteel if it had been able to read the Koran. Entire Digital Iqro.
Entire Application Digital Iqro remain in assisting the unlettered or parents of children so that no one in spelling Abata hijaiyah. Abata hijaiyah can be developed in tarteel make it more beautiful voice in the readings start early.
What's new in Entire Iqro Digital 1-6 v4.10
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